

Our beautiful country is blessed with many beautiful streams, rivers, lakes, glaciers and the majestic Pacific Ocean. We feel is critically important to protect all these beautiful and valuable bodies of water for the future and ensure the safety of all those who use these sources of water, including the life that lives in it!

Water conservation efforts could be broken down into three areas of focus, they are:

Water Quality Protection

We advocate for regular testing of water bodies and sources on our golf course to determine and monitor the water quality. Not only is this good to know if you use this water for the club or course but can also help you to plan for ways to improve water quality and reduce nutrient leaching. Our friends at DoC or your local Agronomists can advise you on this and what to consider.

Reduction Of Water Usage

Reducing the amount of water is not always possible but we advocate that every effort be made to do so. From things such as installing, maintaining and monitoring water meters to fixing leaks, considering more drought tolerant grass options and even installing low flow shower heads and flush selection mechanisms for toilets around the club. Liteclub https://www.litefoot.nz/water are experts in this area and are keen and willing to help with water saving advice, help and devices

Water Habitat Conservation

We have an amazing opportunity to preserve and enhance the ecology of our water bodies found on golf courses. Check out: https://www.doc.govt.nz/nature/habitats/freshwater/

Things to consider are how to preserve Riparian zones, plan and replant Riparian zones, encourage native fish and invertebrates to these bodies of water and in so doing attract more birds to these areas too. They can look great on the golf course but still serve an important environmental function. The good folks at DoC can help advise you with this and here are many links that might help access funding for such conservation projects:


